Saturday, December 17, 2011

Diabetic Diet Plans

Diabetic Diet Plans - If you are living with diabetes, one of the best ways to fight this disease is with a diabetic diet plan.  This diabetic meal plan is based of the recommended foods found on the diabetic food pyramid.  By following the suggested meal plan, you will be receiving the proper amounts of recommended nutrients which will ultimately help you fight the disease.

Today, there is a wide range of diabetic diet plans.  Many doctors and researchers have researched and created countless plans for diabetics.  They try to aim for foods that will be tasteful, yet provide the proper amount of nutrients.  We all know a diet is not any fun when the food does not taste great!

Recent studies have shown an increase in diabetes over the past 10-20 years.  With the large increase, it has created a huge demand for diabetic diet plans to help diabetics battle the disesase.  Since diabetes affects all types of people and diverse lifestlyes, many types of diabetic diet plans have been created to suit these varying types of individuals.

Despite the varying lifestlyes of many diabetic individuals, all have one common goal.  That goal is to battle this disease with the help of a diabetic diet plan.  With the proper amounts of nutrients, individuals can make progress against diabetes.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Diabetic Children's Camps

Diabetic Children's Camps - As any sufferer knows, there are two types of Diabetes, type I and type II. The latter is sometimes called adult onset diabetes, and over 90% of diabetics suffer this type.

It therefore takes no great leap of imagination to realize that the vast majority of diabetics are adults. But children can also suffer from diabetes, and for such kids, there are problems to face that are very different to those of their diabetic seniors.

For example, a child with diabetes will obviously need close monitoring, and a great deal of constant care and attention from parents. This in itself is not a problem, but it may mean that the child may never spend a night away from home, and it is not uncommon in these circumstances for a child to have never met another child of their own age with diabetes. Effectively, this is a very isolating period in a diabetic child’s life.

For theses reasons, many countries are now establishing special camps for diabetic children, to address these problems, by bringing a higher degree of normality to the life of diabetic children. Such camps provide 24 hour professional medical supervision and care to all the children, and are an extremely effective way to give young people living with diabetes a chance to be independent and learn about their condition with the support of their peers and trained health professionals.

They provide an enjoyable and safe camping experience in a supervised environment, and often focus, at least to some degree, on increasing the children’s ability to manage their own condition. Such camping conditions also create an environment which allows the interaction between young people with diabetes that may otherwise be denied through geographic isolation.
These diabetes education and recreational camps are, of course, designed to be fun as well as educational. Generally, they will offer a wide range of sporting facilities, which allow participants to try out new sports and other recreational activities, particularly team based activities, that they may often be otherwise denied.

On the medical side, nothing is left to chance. Prior to camp, each participant is normally required to supply a detailed medical history and an indication of the management skills of the child. Based on this knowledge, the camp can then offer the child the opportunity to learn further self management skills and how to interact with other young people with diabetes under professional supervision.

Other people benefit too. Often, many of the “helpers” in such camps are volunteers, with little first hand knowledge of diabetes, and these people will learn a great deal from their exposure on a day to day basis to the children.
Even the health care professionals themselves can gain a valuable insight into the management and lifestyle of young people with diabetes that no textbook can provide. These people usually report that they do learn a lot, and even the most experienced educators say they are moved by the realities of living day to day with these children.

And, last but by no means least, the parents enjoy a break from the daily routine of caring for a young person with diabetes, with the real likelihood that their child will gain confidence and increase their self management skills

Monday, December 5, 2011

Natural Foot Care For Diabetics

Natural Foot Care For Diabetics - Because of the disease diabetes, damage can be caused to blood vessels and nerves in the feet, then circulation may be impaired and infections can form on the feet without the person realizing. This can ultimately cause major complications and even amputation. Diabetes also impairs the immune system so diabetics are more prone to infection. Those who suffer from the disease should have regular foot examinations by their doctor and should know whether or not they have nerve damage.

To prevent and check whether there is injury to the feet you should get into a routine of checking and caring for your feet, this is especially important if you already have nerve or blood vessel damage or current foot problems. Here are twenty important natural tips for keeping your feet healthy:

1. Inspect your feet thoroughly every day.

2. Clean your feet daily in lukewarm water (test this with your hands) with a natural soap, dry them thoroughly to prevent fungal infection.

3. Protect your feet constantly by wearing well fitted, comfortable but sturdy shoes.

4. Never walk around without some kind of footwear to protect your feet.

5. Clean, dry cotton or wool socks are also a good way to protect your feet from pressure points and bacteria caused by sweat.

6. Always apply a little amount of a natural foot cream that contains antibacterial agents to the soles of your feet after bathing, avoiding the skin between the toes. Diabetics can find that the skin on their feet dries and cracks easily which can potentially leave them open to infection.

7. When cutting toenails always soak the feet in a good foot soak that has antibacterial properties in it to soften the nails and cleanse away any bacteria and grime from the nails. Remember to cut the nail straight across with a nail clipper, since curved nails are more likely to become ingrown.

8. Using a gentle natural foot scrub can smooth any small rough areas before they become a problem.

9. Exercise promotes good circulation so walk daily and don't sit in one spot for too long. An easy exercise is to make circle with your feet ten times in each direction, keeping your leg as still as possible.

10. Sitting with your feet elevated for 10 minutes will also help your circulation.

11. Regularly massage your feet, this will also stimulate the circulation.

12. If you do notice a sore or any type of infection, see your doctor for treatment.

13. Stop smoking. It's awful for the circulation and your health generally.

14. Have any bunions and corns removed by a professional to avoid infection.

15. Regularly clean the shower with a natural cleaner and spray a little diluted tea tree oil around the drain.

16. To keep your feet warm in bed wear loose, comfortable cotton or wool socks.

17. Always make sure your feet are kept at a comfortable temperature, avoiding cold feet.

18. If you have any pain in your feet see a podiatrist or your doctor immediately.

19. Use foot powder.

20. Follow a healthy diet and lifestyle; this will help prevent problems and complications.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Truth about Diabetes

The Truth about Diabetes -What if you are diagnosed with diabetes? Are you going to stay indoors and just inject yourself with insulin everyday? Maybe you need to understand the facts about diabetes and accept it wholeheartedly so that it can't be a heavy burden in your part.

Let us start from defining what diabetes really is and the probable causes that brings this disease. Diabetes is a disorder which is the misuse of the digested food for growth and energy by our body. The food that we take in is broken down into glucose, the simplest form of sugar in our blood.

Glucose is the main source of energy of our body. And diabetes actually causes the glucose to back up in our bloodstream, and as more of it is present in our bloodstream, our blood sugar can rise too high.

There are two types of diabetes: the type 1 and type 2. The first is also called juvenile-onset diabetes or insulin-dependent diabetes where the body stops any further production of insulin. Insulin is a hormone that allows the body to use the glucose to produce energy. Persons diagnosed with this type are required to take insulin injections daily in order to survive. Children or young adults are likely to develop this type of diabetes.

The second type is also called the adult-onset diabetes of non insulin-dependent diabetes where the body does not produce insulin or unable to use insulin properly. It also consumes injected insulin for survival.

Diabetes is a life-long condition. So understanding the facts about this disease is important, so that the person affected can sustain his life throughout, despite the presence of diabetes. This allows you to live a full  and enjoyable life.